Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Argumentative Essay Sample on Gender Superiority Why Men Cannot Be Superior to Women

Argumentative Essay Sample on Gender Superiority Why Men Cannot Be Superior to Women The International Declaration of Womens Day this month, March 8 to be exact, purports to enshrine the essence and importance of womanhood, of the gentler sex. That there ought to be such a celebration, especially given the absence of its counterpart Mans Day is an admission of the yet underdog status of women in the world of mankind. Such a reminder of the import of women, or rather the lack of its recognition, tends to elicit the question that has almost always been at the back of our adult minds if not at the tips of our tongues – are man and woman, or if you may, woman and man, different but equal? This classic, timeless gender question brings with it a host of related riddles on Homosapien’s psycho-physiological profile and origins. Is man greater than woman? Or is it that woman is really superior to man? Who came first, woman or man? But is there really a superior sex? Scientific advancements have made it obvious that males and females are designed to complement each others differences, to fill in their respective strong and weak points. Hormonal changes account for mens greater physical power on the other, womens genetic build-up aside from the obvious maternal capacity, has endowed females with increased resistance to cardiovascular diseases. Governed more by the brain’s left hemisphere, women also tend to be more proficient at languages while men in general do better in numerical problems which are the concern of the right side of the brain. To think that man is superior to the woman by virtue of brute power is like saying that the lion specie is above that of the humans. What is true is that throughout the ages, male brute power has restricted the relational and sexual arena of the  woman - unlike the polygamous  man - not because of her physical weakness but rather, her inherent procreative advantage. Owing to what sociologists term as paternal insecurity whereby pre-21st century man had no way of knowing for certain whether the child of his partner has indeed been fathered by him, man had devised societal laws and norms to ensure the womans guarded fidelity. Two of the extreme and abominable examples are the chastity belts made to be worn by women in early Europe and FGM or female genital mutilation that persists today among some African tribes. Central to the issue of gender superiority is the question of which of the sexes came first into the world. Not a few religious and mythological literature share similar stories of creation whereby the first woman and man sprang forth at the same or similar source or shells. Islam which, rightly or wrongly projects a chauvinist countenance, tells of how the first man and woman came from the same soul. Even the Philippine legend of Malakas at Maganda narrates how the first woman and man emerged into this world from a split bamboo. The Judaic-Christian tradition however presents a definitely masculine bias in its account of the genesis of the primordial man and woman. Unlike the story of the Great Deluge which has not-so-dissimilar recordings in almost all major ancient cultures and religions, Christianity included, the Bibles story of Creation tells of Eve as having been formed from the ribs and flesh of Adam. Mainly on the premise that Adam was the first to be created and that Eve only cam from the bone of (the first mans) bone, flesh of (the first mans) flesh, the Christian faithful has philosophized on the superiority of man over woman. If having been formed first, the modified chicken or egg riddle, should be a criterion for judging which is the superior gender, then modern scientific findings should provide an unexpected twist to this classic gender debate. Quite recently, certain studies released during the last decade have given rise to the theory that during fetal development, regardless of whether the fetus will ultimately become a baby girl or boy, the human brain has to undergo the initial state of being female in character. To the ordinary laywoman and laymen, such presents a scientific plausibility of the basic and requisite importance of the human femaleness and, needless to say, should therefore easily counter any doctrine or belief to the contrary. Archeology has now verified the existence of Amazon  cultures - what ancient Greek writers have long written  of - in European lands. The unearthed remains and artifacts of these amazing ancient societies proved that at some points and period, traditional role playing has been reversed and had showcased woman power and prowess with no small success. To a limited extent, this is now being replicated by modern armies of countries that have opened the doors of military training to women. In his flawed supposition of male superiority, man for so long has trampled upon the rights and undermined the abilities of women. If the developments during the past decades are to form a gauge of the growing world recognition of womens rights and abilities, the trend then seems to be in an upward swing in terms of how more women in more countries are thrusted to positions of authority. Womens Day is a call for sensible and moral minds, whether female or male, to work at further balancing the practice of gender justice. As the Chinese say, the woman holds half the sky. Persecute then the women and half the world is encumbered.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Meaningful Life Lessons We Learn From Teachers at School

Meaningful Life Lessons We Learn From Teachers at School Teachers spend a lot of time with their students throughout the course of the year. They are influential by nature and often take advantage of opportunities to teach life lessons when they present themselves. Life lessons taught by teachers have made a lasting impact on many students. In many cases, sharing these life lessons can have a far greater impact than teaching standard based content. Teachers often use both direct and indirect opportunities to incorporate life lessons. Directly, there are natural components of schooling that lead to learning life lessons. Indirectly, teachers often take advantage of what they refer to as teachable moments to expand topics or to discuss aspects of life that are brought up by students during class. 20. You Will Be Held Accountable for Your Actions Student discipline is a major component in any classroom or school. There is a certain set of rules or expectations by which everyone is expected to follow. Choosing not to adhere to them will result in disciplinary action. Rules and expectations exist in all facets of life, and there are always consequences when we push the limits of those rules. 19. Hard Work Pays Off Those who work the hardest typically achieve the most. Teachers understand that some students are more naturally gifted than others, but even the most gifted student will not achieve much if they are lazy. It is nearly impossible to be successful at anything if you are not willing to work hard. 18. You Are Special This is a core message that every teacher should drive home to every student. We all have our unique talents and qualities that make us special. Too many children feel inadequate and unimportant. We should strive to ensure that all students believe that they matter. 17. Make the Most of Each Opportunity Opportunities present themselves on a regular basis throughout our lives. How we choose to respond to those opportunities can make all the difference in the world. Learning is a significant opportunity for children across this country. It is essential for teachers to convey the message to students that each day presents a new opportunity to learn something new. 16. Organization Matters A lack of organization can lead to chaos. Students who are organized have a much greater chance of being successful later on in life. This is a skill that begins early on. One way that teachers can drive home the importance of organization is to hold students accountable for how their desk and/or locker looks on a regular basis. 15. Pave Your Own Path Ultimately, every person determines his or her future through decision making over a long period of time. It is easy for experienced adults to look back and see exactly how we paved the path that led us to where we are today. This is an abstract concept for students and teachers should spend time discussing how our decisions and work ethic at even a young age can shape our future. 14. You Cannot Control Who Your Parents Are Parents have the largest influence on any child. In some cases, this influence may be negative in nature. However, most parents want the best for their children although they may not know how to give it to them. It is vital that teachers let their students know that they have the capability to control their own future, making different decisions than their parents, which can lead to a better life. 13. Remain True to Yourself Ultimately it does not matter what others think about you. Making a decision based on what someone else wants almost always turns out to be the wrong decision. Teachers must convey the message of believing in you, trusting your instincts, setting goals, and reaching those goals without personal compromise. 12. You Can Make a Difference We are all potential change agents, meaning we have the potential to make differences in the lives of those around us. Teachers demonstrate this directly on a daily basis. They are there to make a difference in the lives of the children they are charged to teach. They can teach students how they can make a difference by incorporating different projects such as a canned food drive, cancer fundraiser, or another community project. 11. Remain Trustworthy Being trustworthy means that those around you believe that you will tell the truth, keep secrets (so long as they do not put others in danger), and will carry out tasks that you have promised to do. Teachers drive home the concepts of honesty and loyalty on a daily basis. It is a core part of any classroom rules or expectations. 10. Structure Is Critical Some students will initially reject a structured classroom, but ultimately they will come to enjoy it and even crave it when it is not there. A structured classroom is a safe classroom where teaching and learning are maximized. Providing students with a structured learning environment can show students that having structure in their life is a positive aspect that they need more of. 9. You Have the Greatest Control of Your Destiny Many people believe that their destiny is dictated by the situation in which they inherited by birth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every person controls his own destiny once they reach a certain age. Teachers fight this misconception all the time. For example, many students believe that they cannot go to college because their parents did not go to college. This is a cycle that schools work hard to break. 8. Mistakes Provide Valuable Learning Opportunities The greatest lessons in life result because of failures and it is the lessons learned from those mistakes that help make us whom we become. Teachers teach this life lesson on a daily basis. No student is perfect. They make mistakes, and it is a teachers job to ensure that their students understand what the mistake was, how to fix it, and to give them strategies to ensure that those mistakes are not repeated. 7. Respect Has to Be Given to Be Received Good teachers lead by example. They give their students respect knowing that the majority of the students will, in turn, give them respect back. Teachers often have students who come from backgrounds where little respect is expected or given in the home. School may be the only place where respect is given and expected to be given back. 6. Differences Should Be Embraced Bullying is one of the largest problems in schools today often resulting because of perceived differences that make some students an easy target based on how they look or act. The world is full of unique and different people. These differences, no matter what they are, should be embraced and accepted. Many schools now incorporate learning opportunities into their daily lessons to teach kids how to respect individual differences. 5. There Are Aspects of Life That Are Beyond Our Control The process of school is one big lesson on this. Many students, especially older ones, do not want to go to school but go because they are required by law. Once they get there, they are learning lessons created by a teacher with little to no student ownership. These lessons are being taught because of state-directed standards. Life is no different. There are many aspects of our life with which we have little control. 4. Bad Decisions Lead to Serious Consequences Not every poor decision will lead to a bad consequence, but some of them will. You may get away with something once or twice, but you will eventually be caught. Decision making is a critical life lesson. Students should be taught to think each decision through, never make a decision in haste, and be prepared to live with the consequences associated with that decision. 3. Good Decisions Lead to Prosperity Making smart decisions is critical to individual success. A series of poor decisions can quickly lead to a road of failure. Making a good decision does not necessarily mean it is the easiest decision. In some cases, it is going to be the harder decision. Students must be rewarded, recognized, and praised for good decision making as often as possible. Teachers can help make good decision making a habit that will follow students throughout their life. 2. Working Together Cooperatively Benefits Everyone Teamwork is a valuable skill taught in schools. Schools often provide the first opportunities for children to work together with other children who may be different. Working cooperatively is imperative to both  team and individual success. Students must be taught that each individual part working together makes the team successful. However, if one part quits or does not perform adequately, everyone fails. 1. You Can Become Anything It is clichà ©, but it is also a valuable lesson that teachers must never stop teaching. As adults, we know that it is nearly impossible to break a generational rut. However, we should never give up hope that we can reach students and help them break a cycle that has held other family members back for many generations. It is our basic duty to provide hope and belief that they can achieve and become anything.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Service Level Agreement Revisions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Service Level Agreement Revisions - Coursework Example The data should not be used for any other purpose without the explicit consent of Finman and its client. Datanal and Nineretek will be responsible for any unauthorized use of the data caused intentionally or unintentionally by their employees. In case of any such breach the two companies will be liable to indemnify Finman and its client according to the value of the data which will be agreed to by the parties in advance. Ownership of Work Product It is hereby stated that all the work carried out by Datanal and Mineretek for Finman will be the intellectual property of Finman unless and otherwise joint ownership of the product has been agreed. Any advancement made in the software or hardware during the duration of the project will also be owned by Finman. Datanal and Mineretek will be given licenses to use the advances during the project but its use for some other client is restricted without procurement of a license from Finman for the same. Any patented product, hardware or software which belongs to Finman and is used by Datanl and Mineretek for the duration of the project will be licensed to be used by them only till the SLA is in force. All such licenses will terminate with the expiry of the SLA unless otherwise agreed upon. Non-Solicitation It is hereby agreed by all the parties involved that they will not solicit employees from each other for the duration of the SLA and also for a period of 2 years after the completion of the Slain the case of any exception a no-objection needs to be taken by all the parties involved in the SLA. There is no restriction placed on soliciting of employees of the client’s of Finman, Datanal and Mineretek .However all parties have a liability to inform the other parties in case such a hiring is made and not down the objections if they are raised. Justification of the additions The first addition is regarding the data which belongs to the client’s of Finman. Finman has a number of clients and the employees of Datana l and Mineretek will be expected to use client data as well as work at client’s location. Their behavior in client location was already controlled by the SLA given but it was not stated about what happens if there is any misuse of the Client’s data. (Gbodossou, 2003)The client will certainly hold Finman responsible for any loss of data. So the first clause also makes the other two firms responsible and makes them liable for any breach caused by their employees. The second addition makes Finman the sole owner of every patent that is filed or any innovation done during the enforcement of the Slathers not only makes the terms of engagement clear but also clarifies that Datanal and Mineretek will be paid for their services but will not be the owner of the final product. This provision is unlikely to be a hindrance in the joint efforts as it has been stated that any innovation can be jointly owned if it has been agreed upon by the parties. The second clause further goes on to protect the developments made and the patents which are already in the name of finman as it clearly states that the other 2 parties are licensed to use them during the SLA but cannot be used once the SLA ceases to be in force. (Shiva, 2001) The last addition is regarding non-solicitation of each other’s employees. In today’s world human resource is as important as any other intellectual property that the company posses. Loss of a key employee can have a negative effect on the company’

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Career Development and Gender, Race, and Class in The United States Essay

Career Development and Gender, Race, and Class in The United States - Essay Example In career development, gender, class and race play a vital role in the life and experience of people. The analysis of race, class or gender enables us to differentiate between thinking relationally and thinking comparatively. In career development, people think comparatively upon learning the experiences other than theirs and then contrast and compare the life experiences of other groups of people. This is where the minority is suppressed especially in cases where development of career in based on majority or discriminated on the basis of race, gender or class. On the other hand, relational thinking entails seeing the existing interrelationships within experiences of diverse groups. When one thinks relationally, they see a social structure that generate history of unique groups simultaneously and together link them in the society. This does not imply that the experiences of minorities are similar to those of the majority group. Therefore, this paper seeks to discuss career developmen t and compare the oppressions of gender, race and class. The paper also seeks to discuss the struggles of the minorities and women in general. Career development, gender, race and class are key elements in the life of the minorities who are basically discriminated against based on their limiting factors. African Americans are one of the minority groups who have continuously struggled to curb the discriminations against them by other groups based on race and even religion. For instance, in the early centuries of the republic, Jews and Catholics were denied, in some states, the right to vote. The Jews, Irish, and other immigrants continuously faced a long duration of de facto discrimination in educational opportunities, housing, and employment. In the struggle against such discriminations, the civil rights struggle only involve the racial minorities, as demonstrated by the status of homosexuals, the disabled, and women. Women have also struggle greatly to end the discriminations again st them in various states formerly. For instance, until late 1860s, women were prevented or restricted from owning property in many states. The right of women to vote was not even protected constitutionally until the Nineteenth Amendment ratification in 1920. This was not until the 1964 Civil Rights Act added sex on the list of bases to which people could not be discriminated against. Among other characteristics to which people could not be discriminated according to the Civil Rights Act 1964 were age, race, religion, and national origin. The women struggled through feminism movements to run campaigns against discriminations based on gender and sex (Fitzgerald 116). Other minority groups that have struggled against discriminations included Hispanic Americans who struggled to increase their access to education and increase their voter registration numbers. Their struggle led to the amendment of the Voting Rights Act in 1975, which demanded that the materials of elections be made avai lable in the language of the minority groups including Spanish. The other minority group is the Native Americans who also struggled to stop discrimination and long standing neglect against them. The groups struggled through the American Indian Movement that was aimed to recover their heritage, culture and land issues. Homosexuals have also continually struggled for equal rights. Since early 1980s,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Review of Abraham Verghes’ My Own Country Essay Example for Free

A Review of Abraham Verghes’ My Own Country Essay Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nursing transcends cultures and geographical boundaries. With the emergence of a lot of medical conditions in the world, nurses and even doctors have a lot of stories to share with each other concerning the way they treat patients. Some of these stories are common while some are more peculiar than others. When those from the medical profession write about their experiences, those who read their work are bound to be immersed in their world and in their worldview.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dr. Ambraham Verghese wrote about the emergence of AIDS in Johnson City, Tennessee during the time the HIV virus has not yet become as prevalent as it is now. Dr. Verghese chronicles his journey together with his patients and the way he struggled in balancing his medical profession and his personal life. As Dr. Verghese came in contact with the persons with AIDS, he had to confront his own stereotypes and see his patients for who they really are and not for the labels and the stigma directed against them by society. The families of the persons with AIDS also struggled in accepting their identity as homosexuals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Verghese then spent time with these persons with AIDS, talked with them, listened to their stories, and went to their families so he can know them more deeply. By doing so, Verghese succeeded in presenting the humane side of persons with AIDS. The stories he told were filled with emotions and the experiences of people who have AIDS. He also looked at the health care system in the United States and the kind of health care service delivered to persons with AIDS. Apparently, there are incidences when patients are victimized, privacy problems are impinged on and confidentiality between doctors and patients are compromised. On top of this, a lot of people in the society still have their own prejudices, preconceptions and biases concerning AIDS. Verghese, Identity and AIDS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   My Own Country: A Doctor’s Story is not only about the life of Verghese and his medical practice. It was a book about his awakening to the vocation of being a doctor. His book is a courageous look at a topic considered to be taboo by the rest of the society. It is revolutionary because during the 1980s, AIDS was slowly coming to the consciousness of the American society. Although he focused on Johnson City in Tennessee, his story dealt with the human condition and how love and fear can make changes in the lives of people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The autobiographical work of Dr. Verghese talked about the importance of identity. The doctor, himself wrestled with questions about his identity and various influences. He is of Indian decent although with an Ethiopian birth. To confound things more, he was also a Christian. He speaks of being an outsider because of his ethnicity and the way he was labeled as an â€Å"outsider.† He also thought that he was only needed as a doctor and when there are no longer medical conditions he needs to treat, then the community will no longer need him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Against the backdrop of race and his practice of profession, he managed to identify with the persons suffering with AIDS. He also explored how society gives identity to a disease and by association, such identity is imposed to the persons who are afflicted with such disease. To show this further, Dr. Verghese explained how society equated AIDS with homosexuality and sin. When morality comes in, the society looks at the labels and stereotypes instead of looking at the real identity of the individuals concerned. Because of this, Verghese managed to identify with the persons with AIDS and gathered their trust enough for him to help them reconstruct their identity and explore his own identity. Death, Illness and Narratives   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the lost art of medicine that Verghese rediscovered is listening and telling stories and narratives. He wrote that through stories, the dignity of an individual can be reaffirmed. Through stories, too, such dignity could also be denied to a person. Through the book he has written, he showed the way that the narratives of his patients got intertwined with his. Along the process, he becomes changed and even relates the narratives from the family members of those persons with AIDS.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The reality of death is very much present in the awareness of the persons living with AIDS. Family members are also aware with the possibility of death. Yet, at first they cannot see beyond the stigma of AIDS. With narratives and stories, however, they get to be made aware of the real personality of the individual with AIDS and recall their love and care for them as family member. Verghese, through his direct interaction with his patients and even with their families learned as much how families react to impending death.    The price of his method of treatment, or rather his going out of his way beyond mere delivery of health care is the way in which he became an â€Å"outsider† from his colleagues from the medical profession. As the persons with AIDS deal with their own lifestyles and impending death, Verghese continues learning from the way they muster courage and inspiration to live. Personal Response   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The approach of Verghese in dealing with his patients with AIDS is amazing. He went beyond the stigma of the society and the accepted way of doing things in his profession just to understand his patients and along the way, he managed to understand himself more deeply. What really touched me is the way that he spoke to persons with AIDS and listened to their stories. The benefit was not only for the patients. Verghese, himself benefited greatly from such an experience.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If I were in his situation, I might have stuck to the tried and accepted way of dealing with AIDS patients without going the extra mile for them. The example of Dr. Verghese is worth emulating. What he did transcended culture, social norms and stereotypes and eventually empowered the persons with AIDS. He was very brave in pursuing the questions he was asking himself. More than just providing them with health care services, he connected with them as a friend would. That is one thing that I could certainly use in my own medical career. Patients should not be seen as just one disease to be treated after another. Rather, the dynamics of human relationships and narratives should be utilized to the full. Implications to Advanced Nursing Practice   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Narratives and stories are important means of connecting with a person and developing relationships with them. With the example shown by Dr. Verghese, narrative should be a part of the delivery of health care so that they will not only be treated for their medical condition but their treatment could be hastened with the sharing of stories and listening to the concerns of the patients. This may entail additional work for doctors but it is also worth pursuing because of its good effects to the patients and to the doctors and nurses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nurses tend to interact with patients more. As such, they need to learn how to interact effectively with their patients and share stories and narratives. It does not have to be very deliberate or contrived. Rather, it should be as natural as possible so as to encourage better interaction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nurses who provide care to patients in the hospital has to engage the assistance of family members too because they can greatly help in the treatment of the medical condition of the patients. Furthermore, as the family members and the patient interact more, they can be drawn closer together. Some nurses already practice this kind of meaningful interaction with patients. Yet as the need for nurses to engage in narratives and stories, they have to learn how to do this. Reference Verghese, A. (1994). My Own Country: A Doctor’s Story. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Debate on Whether Assisted Suicide is Ethical or Immoral Essay

The Debate on Whether Assisted Suicide is Ethical or Immoral Assisted Suicide, also known as mercy killing, occurs when a physician provides the means (drugs or other agents) by which a person can take his or her own life. This assistance is one of the most debated issues today in society followed by abortion. Physicians are frequently faced with the question of whether or not assisted suicide is ethical or immoral. Although assisted suicide is currently illegal in almost all states in America, it is still often committed. Is assisted suicide ethical? Studies have found that the majority of Americans support assisted suicide. One must weigh both sides of the argument before they can decide. On July 26, 1997, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously upheld decisions in New York and Washington State that criminalized assisted suicide. These decisions overturned rulings in the 2nd and 9th Circuit Courts of Appeal, which struck down state statutes banning physician-assisted suicide. Those courts had found that the statutes, which prohibited doctors from prescribing lethal medication to competent, terminally ill adults, violated the 14th Amendment. In striking the appellate decisions, the U.S. Supreme Court found that there was no constitutional "right to die," but left it to individual states to enact legislation permitting or prohibiting physician-assisted suicide. As of April 1999, physician-assisted suicide is illegal in the majority of states. Over thirty states have enacted statutes prohibiting assisted suicide, and of those that do not have statutes, a number of them arguably prohibit it through common law. Currently, Oregon is the only state that has legalized assisted suicide. The Oregon statute, which came into e... ... a crime with the risk of the loss of license or even imprisonment. The only sure way that people will stop suffering and be allowed to die peacefully because of their own decision is if assisted suicide becomes legal in the United States. Bibliography: The New England Journal of Medicine -- February 1, 1996 -- Vol. 334, No. 5 Attitudes of Michigan Physicians and the Public toward Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia By Jerald G. Bachman, Kirsten H. Alcser, David J. Doukas, Richard L. Lichtenstein, Amy D. Corning, Howard Brody Annals of Internal Medicine--21 March 2000 Volume 132 Number 6 Palliative Treatments of Last Resort: Choosing the Least Harmful Alternative Timothy E. Quill, MD; Barbara Coombs Lee, FNP, JD; Sally Nunn, RN, for the University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics Assisted Suicide Consensus Panel

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Significance of Adult Education

Adult education encompasses planned and organized activities that consists of classes, lecture series, group study and systematic discussions and conference which involves mature men and women acquire new knowledge, understanding, attitudes, interests and values as a means of adapting and coping up with dramatic changes happening in the modern society and environment. It is dedicated to learning improvement and extension of opportunity for adults (encyclopedia Americana). Adult education is a form of continuing education that serves as a way of expanding horizons, developing understanding, creating meaningful activities and bridging the gap between generations. It has a critical role in a rapidly changing world by providing information and knowledge that people need in dealing with changing conditions. It is of great help in perceiving and solving crucial issues of the times. It can be a tool also for sustaining social relationship among aged adults. Adult education is the practice of teaching and educating adults. Adult education takes place in the workplace, through ‘extension' or ‘continuing education' courses at secondary schools, or at colleges or universities. Other learning places include folk high schools, community colleges, and lifelong learning centers. The practice is also often referred to as ‘Training and Development ‘and is often associated with workforce or professional development. It has also been referred to as andragogy (to distinguish it from pedagogy). Adult education is different from vocational education, which is mostly workplace-based for skill improvement; and also from non-formal adult education, including learning skills or learning for personal development. Programs provide one to one tutoring and small group sessions for adults at the 6th grade level or below. Public libraries, nonprofit organizations and school systems administer these programs across the country. Many adult education centers from community colleges receive grants from Welfare and Unemployment departments to offer training to welfare and unemployment recipients to help these individuals gain life and work skills to facilitate their return to the mainstream. They also provide programs for ex-offenders to reintegrate to society. There are underlying factors and forces which paved way for the development and improvement of Adult education. Changes in technological processes, in communication, in knowledge in social organization and in patterns of living implies that a modern man must constantly learn new ideas, new facts, new skills and new attitudes to keep up with the progress of the society. Through this kind of formal literacy education, adults develop the sincerity and aim to learn those things they need to know in order to cope effectively with the real life situation. Adult education is simply a continuation and way of improving prior knowledge of matured individuals. It believes and wanted to prove that adults are pragmatic learners. Adults frequently apply their knowledge in a practical fashion to learn effectively. They must have a reasonable expectation that the knowledge recently gained will help them further their goals. One example, common in the 1990s, was the proliferation of computer training courses in which adults (not children or adolescents), most of whom were office workers, could enroll. These courses would teach basic use of the operating system or specific application software. Because the abstractions governing the user's interactions with a PC were so new, many people who had been working white-collar jobs for ten years or more eventually took such training courses, either at their own whim (to gain computer skills and thus earn higher pay) or at the behest of their managers. Adults by social definition, individual need, and institutional expectation are responsible people that seek to enhance their identity through learning that further develop their competence. They have a strong need to apply what they have acquired and in order for them to be competent in that application, there is a reciprocal needs of interaction between them and the rapidly changing environment to produce a powerful desire for more knowledge.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

4 MAT Book Review Essay

Summary In Dr. H. Norman Wrights book â€Å"The Complete Guide to Crisis & Trauma Counseling: What to Do and Say when it Matters Most†, which was published in 2011 focuses on how to counsel those in a crisis situation. The book begins by Dr. Wright discussing his personal life story of dealing with loss, crisis, and trauma. His story is the foundation of the subject in how to counsel someone and knowing when to refer a person to someone with more experience. The book aims at helping those who are experiencing life’s daily struggles with biblical principles and to encourage the individual to persevere through the hard times. Dr. Wright’s strongest point in the reading is stating the ability to be a good counselor is to hold his or her tongue. He expresses the need of talking more than 25 percent of the time, you’re talking too much. Listening is a key component when communicating with others. Listening means your focusing and understanding the feelings of the person expressing their feelings. Dr. Wright discusses when you allow your mind to be busy, you’re not concentrating on what is being said. A good counselor will listen openly with their eyes, body and showing there empathy towards the crisis or trauma. The book then unfolds on demonstrating a strong understanding of the individual’s feelings and emotions. He empathizes that counselors should be aware of themselves before counseling others on any situation. Since Dr. Wright uses biblical passages as examples in ministering others, he recommends that ministers use Jesus as an example on treating a crisis or trauma victim. He teaches to ministers that once the advice is given, it cannot be taken back. The individual is going through a traumatic event and if the words aren’t chosen correctly, it could have a drastic impact on their life. Counseling those in need require one to provide the individual  with unconditional love and hope. Showing compassion towards the individual gives them strength to get through their past trauma or crisis. The book reminds counselors that a crisis can occur at any given moment in their client’s life. Dr. Wright acknowledges that ministers and other church personal will work with the same client plenty of times. Those in crisis situations can be in a devastating circumstances such as being diagnosed with cancer; which can reoccur and develop as time passes by. Another key component in the reading is the Crisis of Suicide. Ministering those who wish to commit suicide can be difficult. As these individuals need intervention right away because their life is at stake. Dr. Wright focuses on taking the initial help to keep the person alive and to help them gain insight on how he or she came to this current place. Ministering a suicidal individual is to simply be as much help as possible but to remember this person’s life is not on your shoulders (Wright, 2011). Dr. Wright focuses on the deaths one will encounter and how to deal with the loss of a loved one, friend or pet. He lets the reader know that deaths can be predictable, and eve expected but to know you will encounter one situation. Dr. Wrights tells when ministering the person in crisis, that you have to help the individual sort out his or her issues. Working with someone through the process of grieving takes the appropriate time to be addressed. He states how children cope through their losses in childhood, can potentially impact their lives as adults (Wright, 2011). Children experiencing a crisis need counseling immediately because they can become emotionally impaired. Overall Dr. Wright’s book is providing the best advice to minsters, counselors and lay counselors. His book is very detailed on providing the best advice to those in any kind of crisis, trauma or loss. It is a must read book! Concrete Responses Dr. Wright’s book reminds me of a personal life episode I went through years ago. The chapter that caught my attention was Chapter 14 â€Å"The Crisis of Suicide†. It proved to be a story telling chapter for my own personal life. I never in my life imagined that I would go through something traumatic as suicide. I say that because I am a very happy person but sometimes even the happiest person is also hurting on the inside. I remember the day and time  when the whole scenario occurred. I was home alone and very distraught with where my life was headed. I was in a mentally draining relationship and I felt absolutely low of myself. This was rare for me because I am a very outgoing individual, who barely cares about what others think about me. I was feeling excessively lonely, angry, tired, misused and drained from my current situation. It was like I felt all these emotions at once but nothing I would do could ease the pain. Suicide played in my mind all the time in this difficult period. Death seem so much easier to deal with but I was terribly wrong. I remember talking to my father before he passed and told him my intentions of not wanting to live anymore. My dad was very hurt by my words but at that moment I didn’t really care what others thought. I recall when he sat me down and asked me why I would want to end my life at such a young age. My mind wasn’t mentally prepared for that question because all I could think about was not being here anymore. I never gave him the answers, I just wanted to end the hurt and pain. I couldn’t tell him I wanted to kill myself over a boyfriend. He would have looked at me in such a daze and probably would have been confused by my actions. My father never really liked my boyfriend from the beginning so to lose his daughter over him would be heartbreaking. In the reading, Dr. Wright states that a person who wants to commit suicide sees it as their only solution and that those around should help the individual to discover other solutions (Wright, 2011). As I begin to think back on this encounter, I never had another solution to help me with my problems. Dr. Wright focuses on how suicide hides behind many faces. This is beyond true because you can never judge a book by its cover. Even the happiest individuals are suffering. Depression is a key factor when it comes to suicide. As I went through my daily schedule, I pretended to be just fine but I wasn’t. If I never had that conversation with my father, I probably would have ended my own life. It’s amazing how life works because it made me think should I end my life over a boy? Are my issues that severe that I want to die? Dr. Wright explains how suicide is waiting to happen and that you don’t recognize it because the individual has repress their depressive symptoms into rage (Wright, 2011). I enjoyed reading about how to deal with the crisis of suicide because everything he stated, I replayed in my mind and gained insight on how far I have come. Reflection Dr. Wright’s book showed me how to handle any crisis situation. His book discussed a variety of crisis situations and how you can approach the individual in need. It is not easy to minster or counsel someone, so to have read Dr. Wright’s book gave me great insight for my future. I strongly agreed on his discussion about listening and being quiet while the individual is speaking. This is imperative because you can’t fully understand the person speaking if your consuming thoughts while their talking. This area is something I am working on because although I don’t mean to do it I find myself brainstorming as the individual is speaking. As I read on, Dr. Wright states how you are not really listening to person who is speaking. As I began to read, certain questions came across my mind. I asked myself, â€Å"What would information would I like to further on†? I started with this question because after reading, I realized I grew attached with counseling ch ildren and adolescents. Children go through numerous amounts of grief and trauma. Since they are continuing to grow, they hold onto their grief differently than adults. I would have liked to see how the crisis of suicide intertwines with children. As suicide is continuing to grow in the United States. I would have liked to seen more on the younger age to counsel them. Counseling children is very complex but when you include suicide, I would of liked to seen how to counsel children when there contemplating suicide. Teenagers are committing suicide more often now due to social media and bullying. Not all teens will speak of suicide but for the ones who do, I would like to see how to discuss this topic with them. In the reading it did discuss how to help a suicidal individual but I feel like working with a child or adolescent should be communicated differently. What challenged me in this content was reading chapter 10, â€Å"When Time Doesn’t Heal All Wounds†. This chapter speaks volumes for my own life because we all go through something. I often wonder how I can assist someone if I don’t heal my own wounds. This chapter opened my eyes as to what trauma really is and how it has affected my own personal life. I agree strongly with Dr. Wright on how it affects who we are. Another limitation that I would have liked to have seen is how to deal with confrontation in a biblical perspective. Dr. Wright discusses using empathy and other skill behaviors related to the word of God but what about when confrontation individual in helping them make better choices. I think it’s important to know how to confront clients and being  able to determine the correct time for a confrontation. Application The most crucial element after reading this amazing book is learning to incorporate this material into your daily life. Helping others in difficult times is my greatest mission in life. I am committed to helping those entering any crisis stage of their life. It is important to be able to comprehend visually and to be helpful to those in any crisis state of mind. I love how Dr. Wright uses biblical passages and verses within his counseling skills. This is a great way to help minister your clients effectively. I learned that when ministering it is vital to remember the root in the work of serving others, God’s word. The compassion in helping those is the greatest ability one can have. A key area I want to work on is ministering to children. Children need all the tender love and care when there is a loss, crisis or trauma situation. It can be a scary point, and I want to take the words from Dr. Wright to assist them effectively. Talking to children is completely different then ta lking to an adult. Children perceive information differently than adults do. They grieve in a different manner as well. Dr. Wright taught me it is critical to communicate with a child because it helps to solve many issues. This will be excellent for my personal growth in aiding those children who need help. Children have a harder time but so do adolescents. When adolescents transition into a teenager this can be tough when a loss has occurs. I believe dealing with adolescents is tougher then young children because not many teenagers want to converse with you. There more hesitant and indirect with their responses. This book influence my personal growth with teenagers as well because teenagers are reluctant to talk to a counselor or minister. When it comes to my life, I plan to make initial changes. I want to communicate effectively when counseling those in a crisis or trauma need. Dr. Wright’s book taught me to listen so I can understand what the individual is saying to me. I want to take the time to learn who I am so I can help those suffering. My task is to help others, and I want the individual seeking help to believe I can encourage them to change and have faith in them. One thing I tend to do is be afraid. Mark 5:36 tell us to not be afraid just believe. I believe I can make the initial improvements in my words and how I speak to those in need to give them a proper perspective. I plan to be quiet and  clear my thoughts when someone is telling me their problem. Listening means that I am trying to understand the feelings of the other person speaking (Wright, 2011). As I continue to read, I am influenced by his biblical passages integrated into his concepts. I am a genuine person but sometimes I don’t know how to speak to those when there grieving. It’s kind of weird because I love helping others but sometimes I am at lost for words. I want to continue to work on when saying the right words in a right manner. When an individual is in a crisis, the way one speaks sets the tone on how the person takes the information. I just want to continue to lead people to Christ and help those suffering with grief in their life. By making changings in my life through Dr. Wright’s book, I can integrate the Word of God and assist individuals in having a healthy life. It is vital to make the person feel safe and build trust. Reference Wright, H. Norman (2011). The Complete Guide to Crisis & Trauma Counseling: What to Do and Say When It Matters Most! (p. 251). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Kurt Vonnegut Jr. essays

Kurt Vonnegut Jr. essays War is not always a good thing. In fact, it is in no way good to anyone except for the people who are not fighting in it. War can completely ruin someones sense of logical thinking and distort there concept of reality. When you are dead you cant think anymore. Kurt Vonnegut Jr., a soldier who experienced a life threatening situation in war, explains to us the hatred he has for war in a novel that can actually seem funny to some. While looking back at his life, he describes how war has disrupted his sence of time and has practically turned his life inside out . His story is about turning it back right side in. In the highly acclaimed novel, Slaughterhouse-Five, by author, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., explicates the themes of being unstuck in time and fight or to be against war and not fight. The history of Kurt Vonnegut Jr. dates back to the depressing year of 1922. November 11 of 1922 was the precise date of his birth. Son of a successful architect, he was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. By the age of 18 he enlisted in the United States Army. Around that time the second world war stormed in without hesitation. As an Infantry Scout, he was captured and taken prisoner by the German army. During that time Vonnegut experienced and survived the fire-bombing of Dresden by the Allied forces of the United States and Great Britain, in which over 135,000 people were killed. Vonnegut, one of the few that survived, was ordered to digging the bodies from the rubble and completely destroying them in massive bonfires in the middle of the street. Vonnegut was not always in the army. He also had a college education from Cornell University in Ithica, New York. He majored in chemistry and biology which gives the seasoning of science in each of his novels. Following the war, Vonnegut attended the University of Chicago where he studied Anthropology for a year and moved to Schenectady, New York to fill a position for a ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

British Poor Law Reform in the Industrial Revolution

British Poor Law Reform in the Industrial Revolution One of the most infamous British laws of the modern age was the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834. It was designed to deal with the rising costs of poor relief, and reform a system from the Elizabethan era unable to cope with the urbanization and industrialization of the Industrial Revolution (more on coal, iron, steam) by sending all able-bodied people in need of poor relief into workhouses where conditions were deliberately harsh. The State of Poverty Relief Before the Nineteenth Century The treatment of the poor in Britain before the major nineteenth-century laws depended on a large element of charity. The middle class paid a Parish poor rate and often saw the increasing poverty of the era merely as a financial worry. They often wanted the cheapest, or most cost-effective, way of treating the poor. There was little engagement with the causes of poverty, which ranged from illness, poor education, disease, disability, underemployment, and poor transport preventing movement to regions with more jobs, to economic changes which removed domestic industry and agricultural changes which left many without jobs. Poor harvests caused grain prices to rise, and high housing prices led to greater debt. Instead, Britain largely viewed the poor as one of two types. The ‘deserving’ poor, those who were old, handicapped, infirm or too young to work, were considered blameless as they obviously couldn’t work, and their numbers stayed more or less even across the eighteenth century. On the other hand, the able-bodied who were without work were considered ‘undeserving’ poor, thought of as lazy drunkards who could have got a job if they needed one. People simply didn’t realize at this point how the changing economy could affect workers. Poverty was also feared. Some worried about deprivation, those in charge worried about the increase in expenditure needed to deal with them, as well as a widely perceived threat of revolution and anarchy. Legal Developments Before the Nineteenth Century The great Elizabethan Poor Law Act was passed at the start of the seventeenth century. This was designed to fit the needs of the static, rural English society of the time, not that of the industrializing centuries afterward. A poor rate was levied to pay for the poor, and the parish was the unit of administration. Unpaid, local Justices of the Peace administered the relief, which was supplemented by local charity. The act was motivated by the need to secure public order. Outdoor relief – giving money or supplies to people on the street – was coupled with indoor relief, where people had to enter a ‘Workhouse’ or similar ‘correctional’ facility, where everything they did was tightly controlled. The 1662 Act of Settlement acted to cover up a loophole in the system, under which parishes were shipping sick and destitute people into other areas. Now you could only receive relief in your area of birth, marriage or long-term living. A certificate was produced, and the poor had to present this if they moved, to say where they came from, impinging on freedom of labor movement. A 1722 act made it easier to set up workhouses into which to funnel your poor, and provided an early ‘test’ to see if people should be forced in. Sixty years later more laws made it cheaper to create a workhouse, allowing parishes to team up to create one. Although the workhouses were meant for the able-bodied, at this point it was mainly the infirm that were sent to them. However, the Act of 1796 removed the 1722 workhouse act when it became clear a period of mass unemployment would fill the workhouses. The Old Poor Law The result was the absence of a real system. As everything was based on the parish, there was a huge amount of regional diversity. Some areas used mainly outdoor relief, some provided work for the poor, others used workhouses. Substantial power over the poor was given to local people, who ranged from honest and interested to dishonest and bigoted. The whole poor law system was unaccountable and unprofessional. Forms of relief could include each rate payer agreeing to support a certain number of workers – depending on their poor rate assessment - or just paying wages. The ‘rounds’ system saw laborers sent round the parish until they found work. An allowance system, where food or money was given out to people on a sliding scale according to family size, was used in some areas, but this was believed to encourage idleness and poor fiscal policy among the (potentially) poor. The Speenhamland System was created in 1795 in Berkshire. A stop-gap system to stave off mass destitution, it was created by the magistrates of Speen and quickly adopted around England. Their motivation was a set of crises which occurred in the 1790s: rising population, enclosure, wartime prices, bad harvests, and fear of a British French Revolution. The results of these systems were that farmers kept wages down as the parish would make up the shortfall, effectively giving employers relief as well as the poor. While many were saved from starvation, others were degraded by doing their work but still needing poor relief to make their earnings economically viable. The Push to Reform Poverty was far from a new problem when steps were taken to reform the poor law in the nineteenth century, but the industrial revolution had changed the way poverty was viewed, and the impact it had. The rapid growth of dense urban areas with their problems of public health, housing, crime, and poverty was clearly not suited to the old system. One pressure to reform the poor relief system came from the rising cost of the poor rate which rapidly increased. Poor-rate payers began to see poor relief as a financial problem, not fully understanding the effects of war, and poor relief grew to 2% of the Gross National Income. This difficulty was not spread evenly over England, and the depressed south, near London, was hit hardest. In addition, influential people were beginning to see the poor law as out of date, wasteful, and a threat to both the economy and the free movement of labor, as well as encouraging large families, idleness, and drinking. The Swing Riots of 1830 further encouraged demands for new, harsher, measures on the poor. The Poor Law Report of 1834 Parliamentary commissions in 1817 and 1824 had criticized the old system  but offered no alternatives. In 1834 this changed with the creation of the Royal Commission of Edwin Chadwick and Nassau Senior, men who wanted to reform the poor law on a utilitarian basis. Critical of amateur organization and desirous for greater uniformity, they aimed for the ‘greatest happiness for the greatest number.’ The resulting Poor Law Report of 1834 had is widely regarded as a classic text in social history. The commission sent out questionnaires to over 15,000 parishes and only heard back from around 10%. Then they send assistant commissioners to roughly a third of all poor law authorities. They were not seeking to end the causes of poverty – it was considered inevitable, and necessary for cheap labor – but to change how the poor was treated. The result was an attack on the old poor law, saying it was costly, badly run, out of date, too regionalized and encouraged indolence and vice. The suggested alternative was the strict implementation of Bentham’s pain-pleasure principle: the destitute would have to balance the pain of the workhouse against getting a job. Relief would be given for the able-bodied only in the workhouse, and abolished outside it, while the state of the workhouse should be lower than that of the poorest, but still employed, laborer. This was ‘less eligibility’. The 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act A direct response to the 1834 report, the PLAA created a new central body to oversee poor law, with Chadwick as secretary. They sent out assistant commissioners to oversee the creation of workhouses and the implementation of the act. Parishes were grouped into unions for better administration – 13,427 parishes into 573 unions – and each had a board of guardians elected by ratepayers. Less eligibility was accepted as a key idea, but outdoor relief for the able-bodied wasn’t abolished after political opposition. New workhouses were built for them, at the expense of the parishes, and a paid matron and master would be in charge of the difficult balance of keeping workhouse life lower than paid labor, but still humane. As the able-bodied could often get outdoor relief, the workhouses filled with the sick and old. It took until 1868 for the entire country to be unionized, but the boards worked hard to provide efficient and occasionally humane services, despite sometimes difficult agglomerations of parishes. Salaried officials replaced volunteers, providing a major development in local government services and the collection of other information for policy changes (e.g. Chadwick’s use of the poor law health officers to reform public health legislation). Education of poor children was begun inside. There was opposition, such as the politician who referred to it as the â€Å"starvation and infanticide act†, and several locations saw violence. However, opposition gradually declined as the economy improved, and after the system became more flexible when Chadwick was removed from power in 1841. Workhouses tended to swing from nearly empty to full depending on the bouts of periodic unemployment, and the conditions depended on the generosity of the staff working there. The events in Andover, which caused a scandal for the poor treatment, were unusual rather than typical, but a select committee was created in 1846 which created a new Poor Law Board with a president who sat in parliament. Criticism of the Act The evidence of the commissioners has been called into question. The poor rate was not necessarily higher in areas making large-scale use of the Speenhamland system and their judgments on what caused poverty were wrong. The idea that high birth rates were connected to allowance systems is now also largely rejected. Poor rate expenditure was already falling by 1818, and the Speenhamland system was able to mostly disappear by 1834, but this was ignored. The nature of unemployment in industrial areas, created by the cyclical employment cycle, was also misidentified. There was criticism at the time, from campaigners who highlighted the inhumanity of the workhouses, to Justices of the Peace upset they had lost power, to radicals concerned with civil liberties. But the act was the first national, monitored central government program for poor relief. Outcome The basic demands of the act weren’t being properly implemented by the 1840s, and in the 1860s the unemployment caused by the American Civil War and the collapse of cotton supplies led to outdoor relief returning. People began to look at the causes of poverty, rather than simply reacting to ideas of unemployment and allowance systems. Ultimately, while the costs of poor relief initially fell, much of this was due to the return of peace in Europe, and the rate rose again as the population rose.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Affects On Business in New York City Term Paper

Affects On Business in New York City - Term Paper Example But on the other hand there are many difficulties and factors still exist which inhibit the residents to live independently and without issues. America has always been the place where issues of racism, inequality, differences of social, cultural or political exist. US residents were tired of social and economic inequality, greed corruption in the business sector and undue influence of corporation on 6their government. The main influence on the authoritative part was from the financial sector.The financial distribution in America was like 99% of society was facing inequality and unhealthy income distribution and 1% of the society was rich. It was holding on to the wealth which was the right of other 99% residents as well (Mr. Smith (2001). Now, to overcome this problem and to get rid of severe living issues the people got united under one slogan â€Å"we are 99%† and protested against the growing factors which were perilous to their living circumstances. The participants conduc ted assemblies which were called â€Å"General Assemblies† in which major and basic decisions were taken. Actions to be taken were planned and discussed. In these assemblies, the president and main participants of the movement decided to take over the petitions straight and to get hold of the financial situations directly by planning the major road map for this goal. The protestors were failed in the beginning and were forced to move out of the Zuccotti Park where it took place. After they left the place, they never succeeded.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Organizational Behavior Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Behavior - Assignment Example In the business world emotions can lead to bad decisions. A leadership theory that describes the action of the leader, Ron Hunter, is the transformational leadership model. Transformational leadership occurs when leaders broaden and elevate follower’s interest and stir followers to look beyond their own interest for the good of others (Schermerhorn & Osborn & Hunt, p.301). During the climax event of the movie which occurred when Ron took over the ship in order to stop Frank Ramsey from launching a nuclear missile Ron displayed transformational leadership. Ron was able to gain the trust and confidence of the crew who risk their careers by following Ron. The crew realized that Ron’s orders were more logical due to the fact that without a confirmation to launch the Alabama could initiate world war III. There were two characters that displayed power in the film. The two people that displayed power in the film were Frank Ramsey, Commanding Officer, and the Executive Officer Ron Hunter. Frank Ramsey due to his position had legitimate power. Legitimate power or formal authority exits when the leader has the right to tell others what to do and the employees are obligated to comply with the directives (Clark). Ron Hunter was able to gain the trust of the crew by the utilization of rational persuasion. The key conflict of the film occurred when Frank Ramsey wanted to launch a nuclear missile to Russia without receiving the confirmation he needed. The communications went down and Frank assumed that the order to launch was imminent. Ron could not in his right mind accept that decision due to the fact that the repercussions of the action were horrendous if the Alabama made the wrong decision. The conflict that occurred could be considered dysfunctional. The conflict passed through the four stages of conflict which are antecedent conditions, perceived conflict, manifest conflict, and felt conflict. The consequences of the conflict